Measurement and accurate measurement data are increasingly being used in manufacturing, control, and reverse engineering. Measurement is by definition, a process of comparing a standard and an unknown quantity, which is of utmost importance in mass production. One of the most advance measurement methods is three dimensional coordinate measurement, for which the Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) is the best solution. This machine has application in 3 dimensional measurement of parts and parameters like parallelism, perpendicularity, angles, dimensions, etc. This machine finds wide application in different industries such as automotive, aerospace, machinery making, etc.
Translated by: Ehsan Taghdiri
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Considering the vast demand of industrial manufacturing establishments of Iran for technical and expert associations especially in the areas of research and development and design, Tisser Co. has used the cooperation of globally recognized companies to establish an organization where engineering and design services are offered to car makers, auto part manufacturing companies, and other industrial establishments.